Thursday, June 29, 2006

Javelin Club

Is there a Javelin club in Southern Ontario, as I would be interested?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Canada Day

Driving into July, I may just hit my first Car Cruise. Should be interesting.... What I am looking for is
Nice Car.....
What is it?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

On the road agin

except for a minor brake leak< the Javelin is whole again and looks like it did in 69 both inside and out . Also threw in a pic of my relax wagon. Javelin restoration took under a year a way way too much money.
It is Now the end of June 06 and I have driven the car daily for a couple miles :) . I am happy, but still have some fine tuning to do.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

Drove the beast home

Last Firday I drove the green machine home and doing some fine tuning in the garage, then it has to go in to have the door glass adjusted, then the interior can be completed, then I will take complete pictures

Friday, February 17, 2006

Almost Done

Just about almost complete. I started the Resortaion summer of 05 and will be complete just in time for it to warmm up here to drive it. Have done a lot of research and have not really found any other 69 Big Bad Javelins (non modified) , 390, four speed with the Go Package. This car now is the way it came off the line in 69 :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Jan 26, 2006
The Jav is green again
Just out of the paint shop and dam it looks good
Next step is the interior
the final touches for the Mechanical
and awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
we go