Monday, November 21, 2005

Stripped, rebuild , delays OH my

Well the car has been repaired and the rebuilt has started, but 5 weeks of delays because of Mechanic problems. Can't paint the car until the front end is put back together and because of Mechanic no shows, I can't get the front end together. Frustration is setting in and I will not be able to drive the car this year because of weather now :(

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Monday, October 31, 2005

Restore or patch, that is the question?

For this year I was going to patch the floor and put the car away in the garage till next spring (Southern Ontario), but my wife spoke up and told me she wanted it done right and didn't want the car lying around for ever. So, away I went on a search for an Autobody guy.

Starting point

I towed the car to my house, and wanted to see what damage I had to start with. I changed the plug, cables, cap, battery, ignition coil, fluids, turned her over and away she went. burnt off 20 years of crap, then addressed the interior. Stripped the interior clean and took notes of the damage. Biggest issue was a hole in the floor on the drivers side, or at least from what I could see

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

where it all began

On Mother's day of 05, I was doing the good son thing and dropping off a gift for sweet old Mom, but to my surprise the biggest gift was for me. Keys were chucked at me,,,,,,keys to the family Javelin, which has been in storage for 20 years. Most people are saying, ... what the hell's a Javelin. Well a Javelin was AMC's example of a pony car (muscle car) for the late 60's early 70's. This particular Javelin is veryyyyy rare and some what famous. This particular Javelin, has had two owners: My family and the other was AMC , as they used it as a test track car for Magazine reviews (Canadian Track and Traffic). Also, the full title to the car is
1969 AMC Big Bad (Green) SST Mod 390 Javelin, and may be one of very few left known to man.
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Restoration of my AMC Javelin

First time at this and sure am luck there is spell check